한국의 친구들 주최 케빈오단넬 기념상 수상자 모집안내
CALL for nominations - 2024
Award Recipient Selection Process
Any Friend of Korea member or supporter may recommend recipients for this recognition to the Award Committee appointed by the FoK Board of Directors on the recommendation of the president. The president and executive officers serve ex-officio. The Award Committee will meet as needed to consider nominations and forward recommendations to the board. The recipient of the award will be announced prior to the Friends of Korea annual meeting in the autumn. Nominations are due July 31st.
Nominees may be scholars, scientists, artists, professionals or other individuals who have advanced their disciplines in important ways, or organizations that have made particularly distinguished contributions to society in areas such as public service, business, religion, government or the arts, that have strengthened the bonds between Koreans and Americans. Friends of Korea strives for a robust pool of unique recipients from many backgrounds. We encourage nominations of accomplished individuals with strong connections to Korea.
Click here to access the nomination form with all the information you need to make a nomination. Thank you.
Any Friend of Korea member or supporter may recommend recipients for this recognition to the Award Committee appointed by the FoK Board of Directors on the recommendation of the president. The president and executive officers serve ex-officio. The Award Committee will meet as needed to consider nominations and forward recommendations to the board. The recipient of the award will be announced prior to the Friends of Korea annual meeting in the autumn. Nominations are due July 31st.
Nominees may be scholars, scientists, artists, professionals or other individuals who have advanced their disciplines in important ways, or organizations that have made particularly distinguished contributions to society in areas such as public service, business, religion, government or the arts, that have strengthened the bonds between Koreans and Americans. Friends of Korea strives for a robust pool of unique recipients from many backgrounds. We encourage nominations of accomplished individuals with strong connections to Korea.
Click here to access the nomination form with all the information you need to make a nomination. Thank you.