Kim Jong-chan honored with 2021 O'Donnell Award
Despite the lingering effects of the global pandemic, this year's O'Donnell Award was celebrated with an in-person ceremony held in Seoul, Korea and broadcast as part of the FoK Annual meeting on November 6th. This year's honoree - Mr. Kim Jong-chan - was nominated by Chuck Hobbie. Click here to watch the presentation.
Excerpt from the nomination letter ~
It is time to recognize individuals such as Mr. Kim for their long, dedicated service on Peace Corps Korea staff in support of the Peace Corps program and its volunteers. There can be no more significant contribution to the goals of fostering cultural awareness and friendship between Koreans and Americans than his accomplishment of successfully preparing hundreds of PCVs for service in Korea over a period of twelve years. The history of Peace Corps Korea eloquently demonstrates that Mr. Kim - significantly more than any other person - had a long, dedicated career of teaching and training Peace Corps Korea trainees. As every PCV knows, by his actions he fostered cultural awareness and friendships between Koreans and Americans to an extraordinary degree - a fostering that continues visibly through his active engagement with RPCVs on-line and during the Korea Foundation revisits program forty years after the last PCV left Korea. |