By Kristin Krzic, FOK member & Guest Blogger
I enjoyed hearing the current director of Peace Corps, Ms. Carrie Hessler-Radelet, describe her experience volunteering in Western Samoa and her impressions of the Korean volunteers. She said she had a “warm spot” in her heart for Friends of Korea. I feel the same as I have witnessed these individuals create people-to-people bonds that have lasted a lifetime. It is also amazing to note that of the over 200,000 PCVs that have served in 139 different countries, Korea is the only country to have a permanent photo display in Peace Corps headquarters! One of my father’s former students, Mr. Byunghong Park (박병홍), was also in attendance. Mr. Park now works at the Korean Embassy in Washington. Even though it was a long time ago, he still has vivid memories about his experiences at middle school with his Peace Corps teacher. He smiled and laughed when he brought up memories from the past.
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May 2019
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